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Live Action Robotech
Posted: 23 September 2001 07:14 PM  
Total Posts:  179
Joined  2001-02-18

This came up in Anime Etc., a live action Robotech. These are the changes I would envision for the jump to real actors.

1. Clean up the script. Clean continuity errors, poor dialogue in some areas, constantly refering to the RDF/REF/SC as the army etc.

2. Minmei’s music. Terribly dated, sung by a below average ACTORESS. Get a real singer to do the songs, then lip sync like in the old Hollywood movies.

3. CGI for battle scenes. The more recent Star Trek shows and Babylon 5 have shown us that CGI does not nessicarily equal cheese.

4. Incorporate ‘The Sentinels.’ It would seal up holes in the plot, or perhaps make it the sequel series it was intended to be.

5. Make it once a week, as opposed to 5 days. This would drag out the show for at least 11 and half years, which would garner a huge following after a while, ala the afformentioned Babylon 5.

6. Get half-way decent actors. Put them on contract too, because if there would be that huge following I mentioned, there would at least be a career on the convention circut. Just like Trek.

7. Get good directors. Because even if you have a good script, a bad director will turn it to a bad one.

8. Make the Ranking structure uniform for each generation. Gonna have to follow Trek’s lead again on this one. It just makes sense.

9. Kill off Macek’s version of ‘The Sentinels,’ in favor of Mckinney’s, and drop ‘The Odessy’ completely. Although Uncle Carl may have came up with the idea, his version would have completely watered everything down, and changed the series from legendary to stupid.

10. ‘The End of the Circle’ TV movie, to end the series off, tie up any loose ends and give a sense of closure. Some things would have to go. Haydon IV/Unicron, the ‘N’tripze’ (sic?)

Now this being the warzone, with all this in place, would you watch or not watch? And why?


“Look at them, with their laws and ethics. They’ll never get to know the joy of a monkey knife fight.”

Homer Simpson

Posted: 23 September 2001 09:51 PM   [ # 1 ]  
Master Chief Sergeant
Total Posts:  218
Joined  2001-02-20

but the best part was about Haydon IV and the then making fun of Star Trek when the Karrbarrens(darn i know that is spelled wrong) have the a caption Krrk(or seomthing like that) and his ship as above mentioned.  and the whole Haydon IV thing is the reason the SDF-1 was built the way it was.

and for the Singing get an Actress that can sing save some money. 

Once a week is good but episodes then an Hour long.

and a Different Uniform for rank naw too “been there done that” do something different.

and get a good composer for the background music too.  somelike Yoko Kannon who has proven she does great music for Macross.


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My feet walk along this path
Destination Lost

Posted: 23 September 2001 11:49 PM   [ # 2 ]  
Total Posts:  85
Joined  2001-06-21

As far as I know, a Robotech live-action project will not work.  But what the heck?  Here’s my casting call for a live-action Robotech:

Lynn Minmay - Kobe Tai
Lisa Hayes - Raquel Darrian
Capt. Henry Gloval - Ron Jeremy
Claudia Grant - Dominique Simone
Bridge Bunnies - Raylene, Nikki Dial and Sylvia Saint
Screenplay/Director - Ron Jeremy

Posted: 24 September 2001 10:59 AM   [ # 3 ]  
Total Posts:  40
Joined  2001-08-04

Max - Peter North
Myria - Stacy Valentine or Jenna Jameson
Breetai - John Holmes(I guess HG could edit him in somehow)
What would the SDF-1 look like if Ron Jeremy was directing? Hmm….

Anyother suggestions?


Robotech fans need to realize that HG can’t buy everything and turn it into a new Robotech! Its time for HG to create their own series.

Posted: 24 September 2001 07:45 PM   [ # 4 ]  
Total Posts:  85
Joined  2001-06-21

How about these picks:

Dolza - Larry Flynt
Marlene - Stacy Moran or Lorissa McComas
Bowie Grant - Sean Michaels (the actor, not the wrestler)
Azonia - Nici Sterling or Christy Canyon

Posted: 25 September 2001 05:37 AM   [ # 5 ]  
Total Posts:  179
Joined  2001-02-18

Thank you for ruining an attempt at a serious disscussion. Your knowlage of the adult entertainment industry is impressive. I would do the same, but I have resovled to ignore you from now on, and I advise anyone else who reads this to do the same. If this sit had an ignore option, you certainly would be on it. Although I should be retaliating in kind, I will not. I am above brown stars like you.


“Look at them, with their laws and ethics. They’ll never get to know the joy of a monkey knife fight.”

Homer Simpson

Posted: 25 September 2001 05:02 PM   [ # 6 ]  
Total Posts:  153
Joined  2001-02-17

I applaud Area Seven…you people need to lighten up. Then you need to realize that RT live action will never happen. Thank You.

Posted: 25 September 2001 07:35 PM   [ # 7 ]  
Total Posts:  85
Joined  2001-06-21

Thank you for showing your lack of a sense of humor at a useless discussion. I’m surprised you actually got the joke.  Don’t tell me you watch these movies yourself. I would do the same, but I suggest you lighten up from now on, and I advise anyone else who reads this to do the same. If this site were to promote someone, you’d probably be the last, jabroni. Although I should be retaliating in kind, I will not. I am above brown stars like you as well.

Posted: 26 September 2001 04:10 AM   [ # 8 ]  
Master Sergeant
Total Posts:  182
Joined  2001-08-08

i understand that this is a site for fun and stuff, but making fun of someone who is trying to get a point across is not right, it’s just annoying and making fun of someone who really likes this stuff and would like to contribute…and on the other side of the coin, you can’t take things to seriously, don’t lash out at someone who’s just having fun, maybe if you would’nt have spouted on about how this was a serious post and all you would’nt have gotten razzed back.  BUT ENOUGH ANALYSIS

i think a live action robotech would be pretty cool to watch, just like space: above and beyond was fun to watch (before their were less ships and more dialoge) Robotech would do better than that just based on the following this site has!

and as for the porn star cast…...maybe a hentai robotech wouldn’t be so bad…..he he the veritechs might need some MODIFICATIONS he he he


“Wait ‘till you see this place. It’s INSANE.  It’s got rides and food prepared under questionable sanitary conditions and a creepy, evil, poop-throwing monkey! ..He’s unsanitary too!”
YIM: deadpool62378

Posted: 26 September 2001 02:07 PM   [ # 9 ]  
Master Sergeant
Total Posts:  88
Joined  2001-03-09

Live action Robotech would be good.  But man, lay off the hentai, huh?  That would just ruin it.  If there ever is a Robotech series on TV using actors, try for someone who can match the characters, maybe use the Darth Maul/Toad actor as Kyron.  That would be interesting.


Young Whippersnapper 13Y (part2)
Lord of the Invid Mecha and Invid Bard.
Morning Marauder callsign: The Irish Cream
Former Senator for the Invid Trooper Icon
Clone Zone Loiterer

Posted: 17 October 2001 10:30 AM   [ # 10 ]  
Total Posts:  6
Joined  2001-02-21

Okay live action would work, but not as a series on TV.  It might work though in the theater setting. There you would have a better cast, higher budget and better directors.  You would also be able to explore the option of splitting the story up into seperate movies, just like the Star Trek movies.  They all had an independant story line, but they all held their own.  This would help get rid of some of the dead space in the Robotech story line.


Colonel Maistroff: “There is no excuse for sloppy dicipline…... not even Victory”
