mecha database | Macross Saga | Earth Forces

Veritech YF-4

Also known as: Advanced Veritech Prototype

Advanced Veritech Fighter

Designation: YF-4, VF-X-4
Mecha Class: Prototype Veritech fighter, aerospace capable
Crew: 1 pilot
Weight: 17.5 metric tons (dry)

Length: 13.4 m
Height: 3.2 m
Wingspan: 11.91 m
Max speed at sea level: Mach 1.21
Max speed at 30,000m: Mach 4.18

Length: 12.1 m
Height: 10.7 m
Wingspan: 12.1 m
Max speed: 456 kph

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The Advanced Veritech YF-4 in fighter mode.

The VF-X-4 prototype was based on a new design to replace the aging VF-1.

Captain Rick Hunter examines a miniature-scale model of a VF-X-4.

Sensing the need for a replacement for the venerable VF-1, the VF-X-4 Advanced Veritech program was placed on the fast-track for rapid development in 2013.

After promising results with the VF-X-4 experimental airframe demonstrator, several YF-4 Advanced Veritech prototypes were procured for live-fire testing and evaluation in 2015. Despite breathtaking performance due to the latest advances in Robotechnology, its staggering cost and complexity prevented it from entering mass production as the mainstay fighter of the Robotech Expeditionary Force.

Seeking a smaller, more manueverable fighter with increased missile payloads to combat new alien threats, the VF-X-6 program was initiated, eventually leading to the development of the Veritech Alpha Fighter.

First Appearance:
Episode 36 - "To the Stars"

Also available on
- Robotech comic miniseries (with cameo of YF-4)