mecha database | New Generation | Earth Forces

Veritech Alpha VFA-6H

Also known as: Blue Alpha, Officer's Alpha

Veritech Alpha for Combat Officers

Designation: VF/A-6H
Mecha Class: Veritech fighter, aerospace capable.
Crew: 1 pilot.
Weight: 16.70 tons (dry)

Length: 10.25m
Height: 4.60m
Wingspan: 8.20m
Max speed at sea level: 1100 kph
Max speed at 10,000m: 1900 kph
Max speed at 30,000m: 3000 kph

Length: 8.00m
Height: 5.72m
Width: 4.84m
Max speed at low altitudes: 680 kph

Depth: 5.25m
Height: 8.75m
Breadth: 4.84m
Max speed at all altitudes: 312 kph
Max walking speed: 120 kph

1 x 3-barreled 80mm pulse beam cannon in a gun pod. Barrels usually fire. A second pod is possible, but not standard issue.
2 x Light lasers in the Alpha's nose
4 x 78mm short-range missiles mounted in the head. Total ammunition supply is 8 missiles
60 x 190mm short-range missiles, mounted in single-shot surface launchers spread out along the fuselage

The VF/A-6H in battloid mode.

The Officer’s Alpha in Fighter mode.

The Officer’s Alpha in Guardian mode.

The Veritech Alpha Fighter is Earth's premier third-generation transformable fighter, serving the REF through its mission in deep space and the reclamation missions to Earth. The fighter is fully space-capable, and is carried in great numbers on the Ikazuchi-class cruiser. However, the limited fuel tankage of this craft gives it short legs in space, a deficiency that led to the development of the Beta Fighter, to which this mecha can attach. In addition, the Alpha can not reach suborbital altitudes on its own, and also required the Beta for this.

The Alpha also shines in atmospheric operations, where its small size and large thrust to weight ratio makes it a nimble and elusive target. This is made possible by two powerful main engines in the legs, powerful secondary engines in the forearms, and a dedicated VTOL thruster on the underside of the fuselage. The Alpha's weapons fit is extremely powerful for a fighter of this size, and carries a destructive capacity comparable to the heaviest of the first-generation Destroids, combining a powerful beam gun with a vast number of short-range missiles.

Seen during the 3rd Robotech War, the -H variant was typically painted blue, and was generally issued to officers.

First Appearance:
Episode 61 - "The Invid Invasion"

Also available on
- Masterpiece Collection VFA-6H Veritech Alpha Fighter
- Veritech Alpha Super-poseable figure set
- Veritech Alpha "Metallic Edition" figure set
- Robotech: New Generation i-Men set