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Bioroid Armored Fighter

Also known as: Invid Fighter

Advanced Triumvirate Combat Mecha

Crew: 1 pilot.
Weight: 12.5 tons
Depth: 2.05m
Height: 6.7m
Breadth: 2.8m
Max walking speed: 100 kph

1 x Hand-held gun pod (usually using the "disk" shaped pulse cannon)

The vicious “Invid Fighter”

The "Invid Fighter" is the pinnacle of development by the Robotech Masters where the bioroids tightly couple the clone triumvirate pilots in their respective mecha, allowing groups of three mecha to tightly coordinate their actions and act with a single mind. This Bioroid model was primarily developed to fight off the Invid swarm expected due to the presence of the Sensor Nebula in the Earth system; however, it proves itself quite effective against the Armies of the Southern Cross. The Bioroid includes an armored energy sensor to correct a vulnerability in previous models of Bioroids, but the cockpit is the weak point in the unit's armor.

The Bioroid is unarmed and incapable of flight, and makes up for these deficiencies with one of two types of gun pod and the Bioroid hovercraft. The Invid Fighter is usually equipped with the "Disk" gun pod, so named because it is shaped like an upright disk.

The Bioroid is controlled by a mechanism unique to all Robotech mecha. While Battloids and Battlepods use input from control sticks and pedals to translate pilot's intent to the mecha, and whereas Power Armors amplify limb movements to the mecha's own limbs, the Bioroid is completely mentally controlled. A series of biological "diodes" implanted into the pilot reroute brain signals from the pilot's motor nervous system to the Bioroid's, making the Bioroid an extention of the pilot's own body. Because of this, and because of the unique servo system, the Bioroid is extremely difficult to disable without killing or incapacitating the pilot. A side effect of the control system is that when the pilot is improperly removed from the mecha, his/her nervous system is damaged, and may become completely unresponsive.

It is also probable that controllers aboard Robotech Master Assault Corvettes were capable of controlling their Bioroid pilots directly, as evidenced by the fact that hits to the control center on the Corvettes often caused the Bioroids and Corvette to beat a hasty retreat. Invid Fighters appear to be piloted by more advanced clones and may be more capable outside of direct control.