episode guide | Macross Saga | EP 14

Gloval’s Report

Captain Gloval prepares a report that describes all that has happened to the SDF-1 and her inhabitants, from the fateful maiden launch festivities to their return to Earth.

Experience this episode at home! Now available through the Robotech.com Store:

- DVD Video: Robotech DVD…

Captain Gloval prepares a report that describes all that has happened to the SDF-1 and her inhabitants, from the fateful maiden launch festivities to their return to Earth.

Experience this episode at home! Now available through the Robotech.com Store:

- DVD Video: Robotech DVD Vol.3: Homecoming (also part of DVD Box Set 2 and The Macross Saga complete collection)

- Novelizations: Robotech: The Macross Saga 2-novel set

- Comic adaptations: Robotech: The Macross Saga trade paperback Vol.3

The SDF-1 is finally back on Earth

Capt Gloval prepares a report for his superiors