The search for Reflex Point brings the rebels to another vast desert. They find a bandit outpost inhabited by elderly veterans of the war against the Robotech Masters. The old men have been living off their ancient mecha. Their most valued possession is a transceiver. Scott is elated until he is told the machine does not transmit messages. Still, they are able to hear orders directly from the fleet for the first time since Scott's patrol was destroyed.
A message comes across the screen: "This is Expeditionary Force calling Earth. If anyone is reading this message, here are your orders. All Invid military outposts must be destroyed. Admiral Hunter is planning a major offensive, and calls upon all surviving forces to help destroy any military objectives."
The message confirms Scott's working objectives. He is excited to hear even this one-sided broadcast from central command. Inspired by the freedom fighters' enthusiasm, the oldtimers respond with their own call to glory. They plot an offensive against nearby Invid scout towers. Before Scott and his crew can stop them, they execute their strategy. However, the fight is more than old soldiers with equally old battle armor can withstand. They are killed while completing their mission.
Experience this episode at home! Now available through the Store:
- DVD Video: Robotech DVD Vol.13: Genesis (also part of DVD Box Set 7 and The Protoculture Collection)
- Toys: Cyclones and Alpha Fighters
- Collectibles: Mars Base patches and keychains