Hey all!
Apollo Leader:
So far, Big West’s position in this entire deal has not been mentioned… Tokyo Pop possibly got their true license from Big West, but have now wussed out and are paying Harmony Gold’s “ransom” money in order for HG to “look the other way”.
Yes you are correct Big West position in this deal has NOT been mentioned. I firmly belive that ToykoPop did get the licence from Big West. Tommy,at the HG panel, said that HG authorized the release by TokyoPop. He did NOT say HG issued the licence. I think you are correct that TokyoPop landed the rigts to M7 from BW.
Where I disagree with you is this:
but have now wussed out and are paying Harmony Gold’s “ransom” money in order for HG to “look the other way”.
We do not know what the terms of this deal is. Nor do we know how it came about. I would suggest that you not immedatly jump to the conclusion that some nefarious is afoot. Lets hear what ALL the parties (Harmony Gold, TokyoPop and Big West) have to say about this.
To me this deal says that HG is willing to deal as long its rights are protected…Also this could be the stepping stone to future deals with other companies for other products…
Lets wait and see what the companies say…It could very well be that this does have the approval of Big West…
WHITE DREW CAREY: Hey man it would not be true debate without your opinion….
As to your points…
A) If, as HG claims, they do own the international rights to Macross, why would Tpop have to get a license from Bigwest? Bigwest, according to HG, has no rights outside of Japan. Tpop would have to have gone to HG directly
Remember this is comming from Japan…So you got to get the rights from BW for M7 (we do not know what the memorandum says about sequels…). Tommy clearly said that HG authorized the release by TokyoPop. Which proves my thoery that the dervitces infringe on HG copyright (even tho it is a separate show) thus you need clearance from HG to release it and that is exactly what TokyoPop has done.
B) “Cooperating”. Cooperation could mean many things. One way it can be construed is that a person is “cooperating” against their better wishes. Although HG has posted, word for word, Tokyopop’s press release, I see no mention in that release that states Tokyopop actually licensed from HG (something you’ll usually see). It could be (notice I mentioned “could”) that HG is cooperating because it’s better to go along than to say you fought something tooth and nail only to lose.
As I stated before (accoriding to Tommy Yune statemant at the panel) HG has not issued the licence rather authoriaed the release. WDC you are correct we do not what the cooperation is between HG and TokyoPop…However I would not jump to the conclusion that it is done under duress….TokyoPop is around they go to conventions lets hear what they have to say before we make that assumption.
True, it would be an amazing feat indeed if all parties involved came to an agreement. But I think we shouldn’t come to conclusions too quickly just yet.
I understand Drew…I’m all for this deal. I have a feeling (yes only a feeling) that this was done in a positive manner rather than a negivitve manner. I fully support this…I hope those on the other side do the same….
P.S. I like Eggs with Bacon….MMMMMMM…Bacon.