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Pound for pound, which was the better bioroid:  Zor’s red command unit or an Invid Fighter?
Posted: 17 January 2019 08:32 AM  
Master Sergeant
Total Posts:  1205
Joined  2001-02-15

Title says it all:  pound for pound, which type of bioroid was superior overall:  Zor’s red command bioroid, or an Invid Fighter bioroid?

Posted: 18 January 2019 01:28 AM   [ # 1 ]  
Total Posts:  43408
Joined  2001-02-16

The Invid Fighter was more advanced, and the triumvirate pilots fought as a unit. But Zor Prime was more experienced.

So it goes more to the pilots then the design.

However, all bioroids shared the same basic flaw. A head shot would kill, or incapacitate the pilot.


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