I now bring to order the first meeting of the Anti-kyle League. Our purpose here is to push back the propaganda of KISS in its praise of that traitor to humanity Lynn kyle. So here is your chance unheard masses to tell your tails of kyle’s deceit and all around slimeyness. If you are a believer in this cause proudly put A.k.L. in your signature and refuse to capitalize kyle’s name.
I will start by saying that kyle’s personal agenda is to turn over control of humanity to any alien species that wants it.
I think not, a war would be so not follow with the kyle propaganda. Then again there may be hidden “war” because lets face it kISS and kyle are not about peace but are about undermining humanity’s freedom.
(Out of A.k.L. mode)
As long as it is kept in good fun and no flaming goes on I have no problem with a little war.
(Back in A.k.L. mode)
...Knightlord is actually secretly a member of K.I.S.S. and that he started this thread as a way to further smear the already shakey reputation of the warmongering military overlords!
Since it is now a well known fact in the RT.com forums that Lynn Kyle is without a doubt the greatest most pure and awesome character in the RT universe (see the Lynn Kyle Facts thread…), this effort will only prove the wicked and preposterous lengthst to which the absolutely corrupt powers that be will sink!
kISS has no truth in them. They could have come in here and offered up some facts but no they stooped to slander and stated no facts what so ever. kISS are as impotent as their revered icon kyle.
Start stepping kISS before I have to show you the back of my hand.
for the fight of the century, i getting me ringside seats.
kyle tried to distract the media from the plight of an overworked exhausted young woman (minmei)to talk bout the war, that the residents of Macross have almost hourly reminders of.
kyle had the gall to berated the people that risked their lives to rescue Minmei (she wouldn’t leave without him)
I and Frederick of the forum started the “KFN” Kyle For Never around the same time prelude came out. Someone told me I was breaking some sort of rule by being in such a group.
But I shall extend my hand in an alliance to the people of AkL.
(out of AkL mode)
I have not hear there was any rule against a group like this. The idea is for it to be all in fun. So flaming and personal attacks are not welcome.
(back in AkL mode)
But it’s a fact anyway! Kyle is so awesome that the warmongers feel a need to start slanderous threads against him!!
(K.I.S.S. mode off, I think that technically there is a rule against anti-character threads, but maybe if we keep it lighthearted and all in good nature it will be allowed. K.I.S.S. mode back on..)
Thank you for giving us another venue to speak of all things Kyle. Even if your purpose is to discredit the innocent peace loving Lynn Kyle, it just once again puts his great name at the forefront of everybody’s collective conscience.
The warmongers used to try and hide and deny Kyle’s existance. This only solidifies that Lynn Kyle truly does exist, and that his message of peace, whisky drinkin’, roundhouse kickn’ and cousin luvin’ is starting to threaten the stranglehold the warmongers once had on the brainwashed masses of the world.
kyle KNOWING endangered the citizens of an entire town by preventing security be added to the protoculture chamber AND had the gall to verbally attack the brave soldiers who risked their lives to wrestle that PC chamber from the evil hands of Khyron. Then, when Khyron attacked, killed hundred of people, and took off with the PC chamber, kyle fled like a scared little cry baby…
If its to stand up against that whiskey drinkin/drunken space monkey then I am with you guys all the way. Rhade good to know your on our side good buddy.